

After 12th, we're in a complete confusion for choosing the right career. This is because of many internal and external factors. But the line we choose finally is Engineering..! Why? It is because this field has more scopes and many choices to choose from. Every field has its own uniqueness. Apart from all these, imagining ourselves as an engineer is a great thing.  After taking admission in an engineering college, everything seems to be new and exciting. We slowly gradually become familiar with the environment and experience a great deal of happiness...  The college becomes our second home and we spend most of the time in college campus... The professors become our guide to success and support us in each and every possible way...  But... THERE LIES A SINGLE BORING THING!  I.e. ASSIGNMENTS😂 The only thing which we engineers hate to do.  But still, we enjoy the late night completions😂  No issues...!  But the best thing about engineering is that, we hav...


 Life's like unplanned creation, Let it better be as an imperfect one.  Life's is like the contrast of the colors, Which makes it more connected with everyone... #artworkbyme

Teacher's day...

When we step out of our home, Someone's always there to fill the chrome. Bringing joy and happiness to us, A guide to fulfill our dreams at first.  Knowledge and experience is their world, Moulding and shaping us to be curled. Prepare them to explore their feature, They're our inspiration in the form of a Teacher...! Happy teacher's day...😊💜🙏🏻🥳  - Swar


Expect what you actually see, Within the dark shadows of tree. Expect what you suddenly realise, Because the nature is always precise. Expect the right and be strong, The times when situation is wrong. Expect the unexpected journey, Designed for the great victory. Expect the most deadliest, When the fear is your Guest. Expect what you always desire, Let the other obstacles do retire. Expect the jealousy of peer, When the path of success is near. Expect the integrity of yourself, When you are the part of Shelf. But remember just one thing, Over expectations is never the king. Live the way you want to be like, And then ride your life's bike. Beyond expectations lies the vitality, And somewhere the actual reality! So deeply breathe in and out, Step into the world and face the crowd... - Swar

Happy Independence day 🇮🇳

Freedom  is not about being religious, Freedom is about union of religions... Freedom is not about enjoying meals, Freedom is all about starving for the nation... Independence is all what we enjoy, Behind the sacrifices in the past, The bloodstream of their proud, Flows within the nerves of every Indian... The dedication & principles of freedom fighters, Will always be carved on our heart's wall.... Building the institute of unity and happiness, Is the exact meaning of independence with togetherness... . . Happy 74th Independence day to all... Let's celebrate this Independence day with the colours of strength and staying indoors. Let's fight with this corona with all of our efforts. It's the time to prove our unity by making ourselves alert and aware.  Jai hind...🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🙏


"Every great leader is a visionary.The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have never been.." A leader is someone who is, L- Limitless E- Eager A- Amazing D- Determined E- Energetic R- Robust This definition itself defines the LEADER , as a person of absolute knowledge and study in his field with the above qualities in himself.  A leader  is not limited to leading his career or the team, but rather developing his own personal life full of discipline and be a disciple of his own thoughts for choosing the right and the wrong for himself. This enables him to be purely rich in his acts,thoughts and wisdom.  When a person becomes a leader, he himself creates a mansion of openness where he owes to lead his team for their success and learn many things from them every single day! His brain is an open library for everyone. He is ready to let others read books from it and add new books to his collection. He succeeds by creating his own future. ...

The Zen

When I was learning Python, I just overcame the term, ' The zen of python'... According to the dictionary as per google, Zen - a Japanese school of Mahayana Buddhism emphasizing the value of meditation and intuition rather than ritual worship or study of scriptures. Also, the Zen state of mind literally means, the mind without mind and is also referred to as the state of "no-mindedness". That is, a mind not fixed or occupied by thought or emotion and thus open to everything. It is translated by D.T. Suzuki as "being free from mind-attachment". Both the definitions are sufficient enough to understand this beautiful concept, but we use ' The Zen Of Python' in a sense of listing the python principles and in a somewhat philosophical manner, which is useful in understanding the language clearly and effectively using the no-mindedness concept... The zen of python is somewhat tongue-in-cheek set of principles that serves as a guide to programming the Pytho...