5 Simple ways to be happy
ART OF BEING HAPPY BEING HAPPY is a state of mind of being satisfied, full of joy, enjoying our work with a precious thing that is SMILE. In our day to day activity we get so engaged in our work that we don't even bother the things which make us happy, which leads to stress and miss-management. So, here are some short tips of being happy: 1)LIVE IN PRESENT MOMENT: Instead of bothering about your past, which you can't change and worrying about future, which is unknown, why don't we just focus on our present and enjoy it. Our future will be fruit-fulled. Thinking about past and future won't benefit us, it will just increase our stress level. 2)OPPOSITE VALUES ARE COMPLEMENTARY: You can experience joy of happiness only when you have faced bitter situation. WITHOUT SADNESS, THERE IS NO HAPPINESS ...