A bright night

Trailing across the backyard,

I felt the dark & mysterious night.

Stars were dull, shining as the pearl.

Moon wanted peace, the sun gave him shine. 

With the sky and the soil and the water,

The wind blew a huge little murmur. 

I heard the whisper, ran towards the crisper,

" You're invited to the feast tonight", said the voice. 

" We have been doing our duties since the one,

It's the hour to stop our duties and relax for a while. "

" Music is the melody. Let's leave our property,"

Agreeing to the breeze, all set to the soiree. 

In a while, I saw the earth standing their hearth,

She went explaining a long, all realized their wrong. 

" Life's just a bond of yours, which needs commitment. 

You cannot leave lives at risk while enjoying your feast. 

Just go and carry the duties from which you can't parry,

Give them their feast by resting with your beast. "

Happily and brightly I saw the life of- our components,

Which maintain our soul vital without disturbing lifecycle.

A bright night for all the creatures had just passed away,

Everyone's waking up happily with the warm welcome to-day!


  1. I wish I could write like you

    1. 😅😄You can also write bro! Just a bunch of thoughts and a little bit imagination is enough...Then you're good to goo...!😁😁

  2. Only you can portray a bright night into beautiful words ✨😍


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