
Showing posts from August, 2020

Happy Independence day 🇮🇳

Freedom  is not about being religious, Freedom is about union of religions... Freedom is not about enjoying meals, Freedom is all about starving for the nation... Independence is all what we enjoy, Behind the sacrifices in the past, The bloodstream of their proud, Flows within the nerves of every Indian... The dedication & principles of freedom fighters, Will always be carved on our heart's wall.... Building the institute of unity and happiness, Is the exact meaning of independence with togetherness... . . Happy 74th Independence day to all... Let's celebrate this Independence day with the colours of strength and staying indoors. Let's fight with this corona with all of our efforts. It's the time to prove our unity by making ourselves alert and aware.  Jai hind...🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🙏


"Every great leader is a visionary.The task of the leader is to get his people from where they are to where they have never been.." A leader is someone who is, L- Limitless E- Eager A- Amazing D- Determined E- Energetic R- Robust This definition itself defines the LEADER , as a person of absolute knowledge and study in his field with the above qualities in himself.  A leader  is not limited to leading his career or the team, but rather developing his own personal life full of discipline and be a disciple of his own thoughts for choosing the right and the wrong for himself. This enables him to be purely rich in his acts,thoughts and wisdom.  When a person becomes a leader, he himself creates a mansion of openness where he owes to lead his team for their success and learn many things from them every single day! His brain is an open library for everyone. He is ready to let others read books from it and add new books to his collection. He succeeds by creating his own future. ...