
Showing posts with the label mind


  When words are lost somewhere, Mind is a burden. When people are lost somewhere, Life's a hurdle...!

The Zen

When I was learning Python, I just overcame the term, ' The zen of python'... According to the dictionary as per google, Zen - a Japanese school of Mahayana Buddhism emphasizing the value of meditation and intuition rather than ritual worship or study of scriptures. Also, the Zen state of mind literally means, the mind without mind and is also referred to as the state of "no-mindedness". That is, a mind not fixed or occupied by thought or emotion and thus open to everything. It is translated by D.T. Suzuki as "being free from mind-attachment". Both the definitions are sufficient enough to understand this beautiful concept, but we use ' The Zen Of Python' in a sense of listing the python principles and in a somewhat philosophical manner, which is useful in understanding the language clearly and effectively using the no-mindedness concept... The zen of python is somewhat tongue-in-cheek set of principles that serves as a guide to programming the Pytho...