
Showing posts with the label Quarantine

The Rainbow Notes

 "They are low,They are high,  To understand them,let them tie,  And radiate the tones and melodies, And spread their unique Harmonies."       When the seven notes of music are combined together, mainly,'Sa-Re-Ga-Ma-Pa-Dha-Ni' or 'Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Te',form a melodious tune. Also when we sing them, it gets converted into beautiful song.So, we can say " the queued notes one after the other, when sung further, build up the song earther, heals human worther ". The deepest end of the song activates our panch tatvas and energizes our aura.      When the seven colors are put together, forms the beautiful 'Rainbow'. So, when the colors 'Violet,Indigo,Blue,Green,Yellow,Orange,Red'  are queued, they form a single entity and we call it up as Rainbow. They may get queued up due to TIR(Total Internal Reflection) from a droplet or a bunch of wires of different colors joined together or the colorful bars of a swing in any children's park or ...

Queue to Quarantime

After a lot of thinking and a lot of blinking in what to do in free time,I finally decided to engage myself in preparing some stuff. The stuffed recipe which everyone of us is eating currently. The recipe may seem delicious from outside,but it tastes awkward.     Okay! Okay! Don't get confused. I will explain… So,I said recipe seems to be delicious from outwards, I actually meant the mother earth; nature. The mother earth is refreshing itself. All the species on this planet are living a better life without any interventions. 99% of the activities have stopped. Birds are flying high in the sky fearlessly,singing melodious songs, nurturing their young ones sitting on the branches of the trees. Also, the pollution has been decreased to such an extent that our protective layer,i.e. ozone layer is itself healing. The earth is rejuvenating from its each and every corner.       On the other hand,the awkwardness of the recipe is being tasted by ...