
Showing posts with the label Lion


Storage of my brain Sometimes overflows, Removing the junk , Emptying the trash, Isn't called as purpose. Whether it is near or far, You are always the victim of war, Nobody understands, nobody cares, You have to spend your own fares... Lying in the bed for hours, Sleeping as a giant, Snoozing like an alarm, Being a lazy gazy, Isn't called as purpose. Being like a proton. Acting like a neutron, Traveling miles apart, All depends on your actions... Assuming ourselves Lion, Roaring like him, Living like him, Having attitude as him,  Isn't called as purpose... Living in simplicity, Loving in multiplicity, Dreaming high, Giving Everything a try... Flying admist of air, In the clouds of dare, Being an amigo of yourself, Being ready to face the strife, Is called as purpose... Purpose is something, Which do not let you sleep, Think deeply and win, To be the king of the scene...